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r e v i e w s :  




label: Own Release
Catalogue number: 03
Release Date: 27 December 2019
File Under / Tag: ambient abstract ambient electronic avant-garde drone experimental electronic glitch Portugal
Format: digital, digipak CD
Listen / buy on Bandcamp  |  Press Release


"... a poetic reflection on how beings, things, sensations, feelings, thoughts and situations come into the world and die. Here and now is the moment where we can really live. (...) The work is in constant movement, including pauses and restarts, moments of standstill and others that are highly evolutionary. Obviously, we are in the lands of deep listening, but we feel the influence of the acousmatic culture and the approach is quite abstract, even if Joaquim tends to make an additional filter of these influences, and tries to push the listener to focus more on the message, in a penetrating but neutral way. When following this principle, it’s hard to find other directions; there is nothing left here to reassure or lead the listener. It’s necessary to go with the flow. (...) If we want to use a short simplification, we can say that most of the elements that define the ambient, drone and glitch genres are skillfully played with here in an elegant and reactive mix."

"... a sense of continual rushing forward – perhaps the unwanted passage of time, as Vitor would have it – which is mainly done through a sort of evocative shimmer effect. No sound is admitted unless it first passes through this filtering device, which causes it to wobble and tremor like a whole river of lime gelatin. On top of this basic non-standard drone, Joaquim adds his dots of glitch and non-specific burrs, and makes
 sparing use of sampled voices. When used, these are all the more effective for being vari-speeded a pitch or two lower than normal – an old trick for sure, but it conveys the impressions of old age, of suspended animation, of a man from the past trying to speak to the present. Information, such as it is, is drip-fed to us across the whole album; it comes in fits and starts, dribs and drabs, and more often than not we only catch 23% of the content. The record feels like a canvas that’s been hung out in the wind and blown for days, resulting in a smeared and blurred vision. Excellent."
- Ed Pinsent /The Sound Projector

"Una splendida opera di sperimentazione sensibile quella allestita dal portoghese Vitor Joaquim in “Nothingness”. Materia strappata, nostalgica ed emozionale, che avvampa, si spacca e screpola in vertigine ronzante, s’innalza vorticosa e scolpisce frequenze basse, mugolante come dolce fonderia della memoria. Come linea d’orizzonte luminosa, di vento, voci e clangori.
Che qualcosa succhia dai “Disintegration Loops” e qualcosa in ripetizione ciclica d’intermedio fra le etno-fumi
gazioni degli Zoviet France e le cattedrali di traballante suono opalescente allestite da Philip Jeck.
Figura chiave della scena sperimentale portoghese, impicciato da fine ottanta tra suono, danza, installazioni, teatro e quant’altro, Joaquim realizza una delle migliori uscite in ambito ambient/elettroacustico/dronante degli ultimi tempi.
Di fremiti e immobilità apparente, col sincro sul battito cardiaco e una stella in deflagro che t’urla nell’orecchio."

- Marco Carcasi / Kathodik

"A toada, como habitualmente, é ambiental e soa como um sedutor zumbido hipnótico."

- Nuno Catarino / A Forma do Jazz

“… uma identidade singular, expressa numa música profundamente íntima eevocativa. 
Nothingness é a mais recente entrada nesse vasto catálogo pessoal, trabalho que parece erguer-se a partir de fragmentos de memória, presente no que por vezes soam a interferências de rádio, ténues vozes que parecem surgir do vazio para nos assombrarem no presente. (…) uma dimensão quase hauntológica, permitindo-se, via subtil sampling, ser assombrada pelos distantes ecos que certos sons carregam e que aqui surgem, entre o caos organizado do ruído e o lento deslize dos drones, como marcas com carga emocional associada, como se o retrato que aqui nos é apresentado fosse o possível de obter quando se fecham os olhos e se procura olhar bem fundo para dentro de nós mesmos, quando nos deixamos cair livremente num vazio abismo e vislumbramos, durante a queda, fugazes fragmentos de vivências, de sons, de cores e imagens, de sabores e sensações. É essa vertigem, esse vazio – porque na queda interminável não conseguimos segurar-nos a nada que não sejam esses pequenos e breves flashes – que Vitor Joaquim aqui representa, com uma música altamente evocativa, impressionista e decididamente estimulante para a imaginação. Como um reconfortante bálsamo aural que nos devolve a um estado de equilíbrio.
Rui Miguel Abreu / Rimas e Batidas

"Nothingess komt in de nasleep van de zoektocht die Joaquim begon op zijn vorige album (Impermanence dus), alsook van zijn HAN-project (samen met Emídio Buchinho) alwaar het duo zich verdiept in de thema van innerlijkheid en de transformatie en vernieuwing van de wereld om ons heen. (...) Voor deze muziekflarden haalt Joaquim een heel arsenaal uit de kast: piano, stem, keyboards, elektronica, singer table, gitaar, geneurie, gekletter en gesis plus allerhande samples komende van kortegolfradio, Stylophone (uit 1970, een Britse miniatuurversie van een analoog klavier dat wordt gespeeld met een stylus.
Het werd uitgevonden in 1967 door Brian Jarvis en werd het daarop volgende jaar geproduceerd door de firma Dubreq. Er werden zo’n 3 miljoen exemplaren van verkocht, meestal als speelgoed. Bekende nummers waarop het instrument te horen is zijn o.a. ‘Space Oddity’ (David Bowie), ‘Pocket Calculator’ (Kraftwerk) en ‘Icky Thump’ (The White Stripes).), spectrale toespelingen en inspirerende notities van ‘Menino do Rio’ (van de Braziliaanse artiest Caetano Veloso, een van de scheppers van de ‘Tropicalia’ beweging), ‘Teus Lindos Olhos’ (van de Nederlands/Kaapverdische band Voz de Cabo Verde) en ‘Je Crois Entendre Encore/Romance de Nadir’ van Georges Bizet.
Het knappe aan dit album is dat het zijn belofte helemaal waarmaakt door de manier waarop de geluidsfragmenten effectief doorheen de compositie zweven. Het staat garant voor een zeer sterk begin (met stukken als ‘Away’, ‘Here’, ‘Everywhere’ -dit laatste doet ons denken aan Jocelyn Pook, u weet wel, die vooral bekendheid geniet omwille van haar bijdragen aan de soundtrack van Eyes Wide Shut), halverwege durft onze aandacht wel wat te verslappen, maar op de eindstreep worden de meubelen dankzij het langste nummer op dit album (‘Nowhere’, goed voor 12’30”) meer dan gered. Met enorm veel deskundigheid weeft Joaquim in zijn avantgardistische web de stijlen ambient, drone en glitch aan elkaar, zonder hierbij (geen onbelangrijk detail) het achterliggende verhaal uit het oog te verliezen."
- Dimi Brands / Dark Entries

"Il sound design di questo splendido lavoro riesce a toccare molti generi: l’ambient innanzitutto, ma anche l’astrattismo, e come fondo il calore del dub (sia nel senso della parola stessa, lo spirito con cui il dub nacque, che come sound). Da sottotracce nascono le tracce, è in questa specie di doppio fondo che si trova la (non) culla da cui scaturiscono i flussi emozionali di Joaquim. Se nell’ascoltare questo “Nothingness” vi venissero in mente i primi lavori di Oval, anzi, nello specifico dischi come “Systemisch“, allora siete sulla buona strada, perché proprio da quel guazzabuglio glitch si erge un’entità di tipo corale che mostra quanto il suono intervenga anzitutto sul risultato che chiamiamo musica (...)"
- Riccardo Gorone /
Impatto Sonoro

"Que restera-t-il du temps ? Des bribes de souffles pris dans un fil de lumière ? Des sons errant à travers les ages pour se perdre dans le chaos de l’accumulation?
NothingnessVitor Joaquim poursuit la quête insensée qu’il s’est fixé, celle de déconstruire notre monde et de laisser une empreinte unique, chargée d’histoires en débris et de métaphysique bouillonnante, enfouies dans le sens mystérieux de la musique.
Les field recordings se noient dans le coeur d’astres en chute libre, puisant un réconfort dans les bribes de voix humaines, vestiges de civilisations morcelées et de grandiloquence perdue.
Vitor Joaquim nous offre un album de pleine conscience, où l’âge des hommes se confond avec la profondeur cosmique de l’univers. D’une beauté étourdissante. VITAL."
- Roland Torres /

"Wieder ein Musiker der mir bis jetzt verborgen geblieben ist. Die elektroakustische Musik von Vitor Joaquim hat mich in Ihrer Dichte und Intensität sofort in ihren Bann gezogen. In so einer Qualität habe ich dass lange nicht mehr gehört. Das Titelstück ‚Nowhere‘ sind 12 Minuten die man 2020 gehört haben muß.
Nicht zu vergessen die vorhergehende Produktion „Impermanence“ welche eine große Internationale Aufmerksamkeit erhielt und hervorragend besprochen wurde…"

into english:
"Another musician that has remained hidden from me until now. The electroacoustic music of Vitor Joaquim immediately captivated me in its density and intensity. In such a quality I haven't heard in a long time. The title piece 'Nowhere' is 12 minutes that you must have heard in 2020.
Not to forget the previous production “Impermanence” which received a lot of international attention and was excellently discussed ...

- CD TIPP / Radiohoerer

"Sortie de dernière minute pour le magicien portugais du glitch ambient, dont les cut-ups hypnotiques et mutants renouent ici avec le minimaliste spectral et foisonnant de l’impressionnant Geography, pulsations organiques en flux tendu hantées par des samples de voix déformées où le silence de ce néant du titre, bien que peu présent à proprement parler, semble s’insinuer dans les interstices des crépitements qui en forment la fascinante dynamique pour en démultiplier le magnétisme et la tension. Un modèle d’économie de moyens dont le génie se révèle au gré des écoutes répétées, comme toujours avec l’ancien pensionnaire des labels Crónica et Kvitnu."

- RabbitInYourHeadlights / IRM